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Coordinate GPS: Latitudine 47°11'28", Longitudine 18°24'35" (N47 11.47 - E18 24.58)
Szelence Teahouse
The nice small retail space at 3 Kossuth Street near the St. Stephen's Cathedral in Székesfehérvár was already the home of more cafés and restaurants. The Szelence Tea House was opened here in 2011, with its unique style it brought a new color to the restaurants of Székesfehérvár downtown. Unfortunately the authentic tea house was closed in March of 2013. That's a pity, surely many people will miss it.
Destinazioni, località in la guida turistica:
Székesfehérvár (258 foto + 6 fotografie panoramiche)
Fejér megye (county) (422 foto + 7 fotografie panoramiche)
Centrale Transdanubio (Közép-Dunántúl) (1 409 foto + 20 fotografie panoramiche)
Ungheria (27 287 foto + 163 fotografie panoramiche)
e in aggiunta:
(entro qui: Fejér megye)
Dég (30 foto + 1 fotografie panoramiche)
Nádasdladány (21 foto)
Lajoskomárom (5 foto)
Martonvásár (61 foto)
Agárd (47 foto)
Ogni foto panoramica a:
Székesfehérvár (6 foto)
Fejér megye (county) (7 foto)
Centrale Transdanubio (Közép-Dunántúl) (20 foto)
Ungheria (163 foto)
Europa (165 foto)
Tutte le foto normali a:
Székesfehérvár (258 foto / 4 gallerie)
Fejér megye (county) (422 foto / 9 gallerie)
Centrale Transdanubio (Közép-Dunántúl) (1 409 foto / 31 gallerie)
Ungheria (27 287 foto / 462 gallerie)
Europa (30 494 foto / 523 gallerie)
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Neuronit Creative Studio - Mogyoród / Budapest / Ungheria