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Nádasdy Mansion - Nádasdladány, Hungria

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The front wall of the Nádasdy Mansion of Nádasdladány - Nádasdladány, Hungria The front wall of the Nádasdy Mansion of Nádasdladány

In 1851 the Nádasdy family purchased an estate in the tiny village which was called at that time Sárladány. Shortly afterwards the ministry changed the name of the settlement to Nádasdladány, after Lipót Nádasdy requested it. His son, Ferenc Nádasdy was who started to build the mansion based on a one-story 18th-century baroque building which already stood here. The new Tudor revival (based on late English gothic) and romantic style mansion was designed by Nándor Hübner architect from Székesfehérvár and István Linchbauer István from Budapest, the construction was begun in 1873 and the manor house was completed in 1876. This architectural style is used rarely in Hungary, the reason of using it was among others that the Nádasdy family declared themselves as the descendants of the medieval English king Edmund Ironside (993-1016).

The Nádasdy Mansion in the late afternoon sunshine - Nádasdladány, Hungria The Nádasdy Mansion in the late afternoon sunshine

The romantic (English neogothic) style Nádasdy Mansion recalls the Tudor-style architecture, and also in 2003 it was a perfect scenery of some scenes in the "Underworld" movie. In the film this building was the castle or mansion of the vampires.

The chapel of the Nádasdy Mansion from outside - Nádasdladány, Hungria The chapel of the Nádasdy Mansion from outside

After the deprivatizations of the post-World War II era when there was socialist political system in Hungary the Nádasdy Mansion played a strange role in the life of the small village (its population was just about 2000 people). Among others there was an office of the local cooperative farm ("TSZ"), a post office, a cinema hall and also a kindergarten within the quite run-down building, both in the same time. Moreover, there was a convenience store (small grocery store) in the former chapel of the manor house. Today it is strange to imagine, but at that time the building became almost a multifunctional service center for a while. The Nádasdy Mansion is still owned by the state, but since 1993 it is an important listed monument and most of it is authentically restored.

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