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GPS koordinaadid: Laiuskraad 47°33'41", Pikkuskraad 19°4'35" (N47 33.68 - E19 4.58)
Two passenger hydrofoil boats, the "Quicksilver" and the "Vöcsök IV" in the dry dock
The "Quicksilver" is the fastest hydrofoil boat in the fleet of the MAHART Hungarian Shipping Co. ("Magyar Hajózási Részvénytársaság"). This is a Soviet-built Lastochka model, 31 meters long and it was constructed in 1986, its cruising speed is about 75-85 km/h. Nevertheless, with its two Zvezda M470 turbo diesel engines which were designed originally for tanks and have the total power of 2700 horsepowers its maximum speed reaches 100 km/h, therefore it is one of the fastest boats on the Danube River. It can carry a maximum of 68 persons and with it the Budapest-Vienna distance takes about 4.5 hours. However in return there is a 500 liters per hour fuel consumption. This boat is in Hungary since 2009, in the MAHART PassNave ("passenger navigation") hydrofoil boat fleet this is exactly the tenth newcomer.
Although the "Vöcsök IV" hidrofoil riverboat is one year younger than the "Quicksilver", it has just one engine with "only" 1100 horsepowers. This is also Soviet-made, a Voskhod-2 model of the Ukrainian "Morje" shipyard. It is on the Danube under the flag of Hungary since it was constructed in 1987.
Reisijuhi sihtkohad:
Budapest (8 468 fotot + 21 panoraampilte)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 fotot + 21 panoraampilte)
Pest megye (county) (15 122 fotot + 50 panoraampilte)
Budapest ja selle ümbrus (15 989 fotot + 52 panoraampilte)
Ungari (27 287 fotot + 163 panoraampilte)
ja lisaks:
(jooksul siin: Buda Hills)
Budakeszi (88 fotot)
Pilisszentiván (76 fotot)
Iga panoraamfoto siin:
Budapest (21 fotot)
Pest megye (county) (50 fotot)
Budapest ja selle ümbrus (52 fotot)
Ungari (163 fotot)
Euroopa (165 fotot)
Iga tavaline foto siin:
Budapest (8 468 fotot / 122 galeriid)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 fotot / 124 galeriid)
Pest megye (county) (15 122 fotot / 221 galeriid)
Budapest ja selle ümbrus (15 989 fotot / 234 galeriid)
Ungari (27 287 fotot / 462 galeriid)
Euroopa (30 494 fotot / 523 galeriid)
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