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Kálvin tér (Kálvin Square) - Debrecen, Hungría
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Churches in the inner city - Székesfehérvár (Alba Regia), Hungría

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Coordenadas GPS: Latitud 47°11'25", Longitud 18°24'36" (N47 11.42 - E18 24.6)

Información, historias cortas, datos interesantes

A wall fountain on the side of the Franciscan church - Székesfehérvár (Alba Regia), Hungría A wall fountain on the side of the Franciscan church

There's a drinking fountain in the downtown main square on the wall between the Franciscan church and the friary. It commemorates the 250th anniversary of the withdrawal of the Turks from Hungary. This so-called "Turkish fountain" (in Hungarian "Törökkút") was created by Ferenc Medgyessy in 1938. The reliefs on the wall fountain represent the fight of the Hungarian and the Turkish soldiers.

Statue of Bishop Ottokár Prohászka - Székesfehérvár (Alba Regia), Hungría Statue of Bishop Ottokár Prohászka

Created by Elemér Fülöp in 1934

The full-size bronze statue near the Prohászka's Memorial Church in Székesfehérvár represents the Hungarian bishop Ottokár Prohászka who had Moravian German ancestry. This artwork of Elemér Fülöp was originally a part of a sculpture group and placed in Budapest downtown in the park that is called "Károlyi kert", inaugurated in 1934. Probably the undisguised anti-Semitism of the bishop provoked it that in 1947 young social democratic workers (led by the Hungarian writer György Faludy) tore down the statue. It was placed in its current location in Székesfehérvár city just in 1984.

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  • 214 destinos de viaje
  • 165 fotos panorámicas
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