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Plaza de Bécsi Kapu - Győr, Hungría
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Miscellaneous photos - Hatvan, Hungría

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"Sentinel", a World War I memorial in the horse-chestnut trees, representing a soldier - Hatvan, Hungría "Sentinel", a World War I memorial in the horse-chestnut trees, representing a soldier

The World War I memorial in the park in the main square of Hatvan was created by Sándor Finta (1881-1958) Hungarian sculptor in 1917, in memory of the 209 victims of the town. This limestone statue represents a soldier and it was the first First World War monument in Hungary.

In 1920 the sculptor emigrated to the United States of America, where he became known as Alexander Finta and he was member of the artist team who sculpted the Mount Rushmore National Memorial between 1927-1941. That monument consists of 18-meter-tall figures of four US presidents (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt és Abraham Lincoln) carved in the granite rock of 1745-meter-high Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills region of South Dakota. The giant artwork was designed by the Danish-American John Gutzon Borglum.

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Szécsény, HungríaSzentendre, HungríaCegléd, HungríaBalatonlelle, Hungría
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Nuestra guía turística contiene :

Numerosas fotografías e imágenes panorámicas, con una gran cantidad de información y datos interesantes.

  • 214 destinos de viaje
  • 165 fotos panorámicas
  • 30 494 otras fotos

Gran colección de fotos seleccionadas: excelente calidad, alta resolución y colores naturales

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