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Castle bath ("Gyulai Várfürdő") - Gyula, Hungría
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The recently renovated Jókai Park - Siófok, Hungría

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Coordenadas GPS: Latitud 46°54'32", Longitud 18°2'55" (N46 54.53 - E18 2.92)

Información, historias cortas, datos interesantes

Metal sculpture of Gyula Krúdy Hungarian writer, sitting on a carriage - Siófok, Hungría Metal sculpture of Gyula Krúdy Hungarian writer, sitting on a carriage

Created by Imre Varga in 2004

The polished stainless chrome steel sculpture of the Hungarian writer Gyula Krúdy is situated in the Jókai Park in Siófok, it is called "The old Krúdy" or "In Elijah's chariot" and created by Imre Varga in 2004. However, this artwork is a replica, it was created also by Imre Varga sculptor based on his other Krúdy statue that is standing in Nyíregyháza since 2003 (that statue is called "Coming home" or "Homecoming"). The inauguration of the replica caused some resentment in Nyírgyháza city, although in fact the two 800-kilogram metal sculptures are not exactly identical. The base of the composition (the Hungarian writer sitting in a carriage) is the same, but there are some different details: for example in case of the statue in Siófok there is a hat on the head of Krúdy and stairs lead to the carriage, but in Nyíregyháza it is not like this.

But regardless, it is a fact that Gyula Krúdy was related to both cities equally strong, so also there is reason for existence of the memorials in both cities.

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