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GPS координати: Ширина 47°29'36", Дължина 19°3'36" (N47 29.6 - E19 3.6)
The classicist style Calvinist (Reformed) church on the Kálvin Square
The church was designed by József Hofrichter and built between 1816-1830, its columned portico and the spire is from the mid 19th century.
The Calvinist (Reformed) church on the Kálvin Square from outside seems to be a conventional Christian church, a single-nave, single-towered neoclassical style religious building. The curiosity lies in among others that initially it should have been built with two towers, and the foundations of the towers were already completed. These are still in the ground and they hold together with the final single tower. The church was built by the plans of József Hofrichter between 1816-1830. After the great river flood of 1838 it required a restoration, then the columned porch with the triangular tympanum (portico) was built in 1848, designed by József Hild. The present spire (cap) on the tower was designed by János Buchold and it was constructed in 1859.
Дестинации в пътеводителя:
Будапеща (8 468 снимки + 21 панорамни изображения)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 снимки + 21 панорамни изображения)
Пещ медйе (15 122 снимки + 50 панорамни изображения)
Будапеща и околностите (15 989 снимки + 52 панорамни изображения)
Унгария (27 287 снимки + 163 панорамни изображения)
и в допълнение:
(в рамките тук: Buda Hills)
Budakeszi (88 снимки)
Pilisszentiván (76 снимки)
Всеки панорамна снимка тук:
Будапеща (21 снимки)
Пещ медйе (50 снимки)
Будапеща и околностите (52 снимки)
Унгария (163 снимки)
Европа (165 снимки)
Всяка нормална снимка тук:
Будапеща (8 468 снимки / 122 галерии)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 снимки / 124 галерии)
Пещ медйе (15 122 снимки / 221 галерии)
Будапеща и околностите (15 989 снимки / 234 галерии)
Унгария (27 287 снимки / 462 галерии)
Европа (30 494 снимки / 523 галерии)
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