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GPS koordinatları: Enlem 47°49'18", Boylam 19°18'24" (N47 49.3 - E19 18.4)
Small five-petalled pink flower of a Herb-Robert (Geranium robertianum), also known as red robin, storksbill or mountain cranesbill
The appearance of the fruit capsule of the Herb-Robert (Geranium robertianum) or storksbill looks like the bill of a stork or a crane, also that's why the Geranium plant family is called "cranesbill". It is also known as a medicinal herb, in the traditional herbalism (herbal medicine) it was used for diarrhea, toothache, healing wounds and to treat inflammation and bleeding. The second part of its Latin name (robertianum) was given by the famous Swedish botanist Carl von Linné, who allegedly named the plant after his friend Robert, who had a similar foot odor as the smell of the stinky flower (reminds to the burning tires). Of course it's hard to decide if the legend is true or not.
Seyahat rehberi noktaları:
Csővár (105 resim)
Cserhát Mountains (892 resim)
Pest megye (county) (15 122 resim + 50 panoramik resim)
Budapeşte ve çevresindeki (Orta Macaristan) (15 989 resim + 52 panoramik resim)
Macaristan (27 287 resim + 163 panoramik resim)
ve ek olarak:
(burada içinde: Pest megye ve Cserhát Mountains)
Pilis Mountains (Pilis hegység) (335 resim)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 resim + 21 panoramik resim)
Gödöllő Hills (Gödöllői-dombság) (4 203 resim + 21 panoramik resim)
Cegléd (125 resim + 2 panoramik resim)
Ráckeve (92 resim)
Dunakeszi (259 resim)
Göd (23 resim)
Nagykőrös (250 resim + 2 panoramik resim)
Nagymaros (31 resim)
Pilisvörösvár (88 resim)
Szentendre (597 resim + 1 panoramik resim)
Vác (232 resim + 2 panoramik resim)
Visegrád (220 resim + 1 panoramik resim)
Szécsény (93 resim)
Kóspallag (53 resim)
Márianosztra (37 resim)
Nagybörzsöny (4 resim)
Pilisszentkereszt (122 resim)
Bánk (8 resim)
Nőtincs (196 resim)
Hollókő (41 resim)
Salgótarján (449 resim)
Her panorama fotoğraf burada:
Csővár ( resim)
Pest megye (county) (50 resim)
Budapeşte ve çevresindeki (Orta Macaristan) (52 resim)
Macaristan (163 resim)
Avrupa (165 resim)
Her sıradan fotoğraf burada:
Csővár (105 resim / 3 galerileri)
Cserhát Mountains (892 resim / 15 galerileri)
Pest megye (county) (15 122 resim / 221 galerileri)
Budapeşte ve çevresindeki (Orta Macaristan) (15 989 resim / 234 galerileri)
Macaristan (27 287 resim / 462 galerileri)
Avrupa (30 494 resim / 523 galerileri)
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- ©2010-2022
Neuronit Creative Studio - Mogyoród / Budapeşte / Macaristan