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ГПС координате: Ширина 47°35'33", Дужина 19°15'20" (N47 35.55 - E19 15.33)
Black mulberry (Morus nigra) tree
The plant came to Hungary probably from Central-Asia. Formerly together with the white mulberry (originated in China) it was very common at the yards of almost every farmhouse in Hungary.
Mulberry fruit can be consumed raw, or as jam or preserve as well. In Hungary this fruit is sometimes called "tree-strawberry" or in the Transdanubia (Dunántúl) region usually "blackberry", probably due to the similar look.
Grazing Hungarian racka and other sheep on the hillside
Racka of Hortobágy is a traditional hungarian sheep breed. It is easy to recognize by its unusual V-shaped straight spiral-twisted horns. The ancestor of this breed is the Transcaspian urial or arkar (Ovis orientalis arkal or Ovis vignei var. arkal), the only one long-tailed wild sheep species. Racka sheep living in the Carpathian Basin possible since the Hungarian conquest in the 9th-10th centuries, but it is still unclear which ethnic group brought it to here (by linguistic history researches they were quite possibly the Hungarians).
There are two variations of racka sheep, a white and a black colored. Black racka is rarer, even the cossets and young lambs have already dark fur.
Geolycosa vultuosa wolf spider female takes care of her cocoon
The cocoon is a "ball" made of spider web, it protects the juvenile spiders for a while.
The Geolycosa vultuosa wolf spider can be easily confused with the relative Lycosa singoriensis wolf spider. The former is a little bit smaller and it has a bit different color (the bottom of the knee joints are orange-yellow, the base and peak of the leg sections are black). Beside the look their behavior is very similar. They live in a 30-40 cm deep vertical web strengthened hole, Megjelenésük mellett életmódjuk is nagyon hasonló, hálóval megerősített 30-40 cm mély függőleges üregben él, and the spider races down its pray from here. When the cavity is filled with water, the trapped air bubbles in the dense body hair helps the spider to survive for long time.
Pannonian zephyr blue plebejus butterfly (Plebejus sephirus)
The Pannonian zephyr blue butterfly is a relictum species from the last ice ige. In Hungary this butterfly is highly protected. The first time when this animal was found in Hungary was in 1944, at the nearby Fóti-Somlyó Hill (and for long they thought it can be found only here). The lifestyle and reproduction of this butterfly is inseparable from the Astragalus excapus plant (a kind of milk-vetch). Growing up of the caterpillar is helped by ants, which is achieved by producing a special mucus.
Giant snowdrops (Galanthus elwesii) in a garden in early spring
The giant snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii) looks somewhat different from the common snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis), which is native in Hungarian forests. The base of the inner tepals of the former species is also green. It is important, because common snowdrop is protected in Hungary, and that flower shouldn't be picked.
Дестинације у туристичком водичу:
Mogyoród (1 516 фотографије + 19 панорамске слике)
Gödöllő Hills (Gödöllői-dombság) (4 203 фотографије + 21 панорамске слике)
Pest megye (county) (15 122 фотографије + 50 панорамске слике)
Будимпешта и њена околина (Централна Мађарска) (15 989 фотографије + 52 панорамске слике)
Мађарска (27 287 фотографије + 163 панорамске слике)
и додатно:
(у овде: Gödöllő Hills)
Fót (183 фотографије)
Gödöllő (834 фотографије + 2 панорамске слике)
Isaszeg (171 фотографије)
Pécel (101 фотографије)
Tura (30 фотографије)
Veresegyház (365 фотографије)
Szada (359 фотографије)
Tóalmás (79 фотографије)
Vácrátót (438 фотографије)
Свака панорамска слика овде:
Mogyoród (19 фотографије)
Gödöllő Hills (Gödöllői-dombság) (21 фотографије)
Pest megye (county) (50 фотографије)
Будимпешта и њена околина (Централна Мађарска) (52 фотографије)
Мађарска (163 фотографије)
Европа (165 фотографије)
Сваки нормални фото овде:
Mogyoród (1 516 фотографије / 19 галерије)
Gödöllő Hills (Gödöllői-dombság) (4 203 фотографије / 54 галерије)
Pest megye (county) (15 122 фотографије / 221 галерије)
Будимпешта и њена околина (Централна Мађарска) (15 989 фотографије / 234 галерије)
Мађарска (27 287 фотографије / 462 галерије)
Европа (30 494 фотографије / 523 галерије)
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