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GPS koordinate: Širina 47°29'36", Dolžina 19°2'57" (N47 29.6 - E19 2.95)
Péterffy Palace (also known as Kriszt House)
The Péterffy Palace (also known as Kriszt House) is the only one survived baroque style secular building in Pest, that is preserved in its original form. The Százéves Restaurant (literally "Hundred-year-old Restaurant") is operated in the building already at least since 1831 (although under several names). The palace was designed by András Mayerhoffer and built in 1755.
Remains of the ancient Roman Contra-Aquincum fortress
The Contra-Aquincum fortress on the riverbank of the Danube was an important point on the Limes border defence system in the ancient Roman province Pannonia. The Romans built it in the early-2nd century and completely rebuilt it at around the end of the 3rd century. Its importance was thanks to not just the extremely thick walls, but also its location: it was built at an ancient trading crossing point on the river and the Romans could control it with the fortress.
The ruins of the ancient Roman Contra-Aquincum fortress were covered during the renovations of the square in 2009, formerly they were under the open sky.
The Március 15. Square before the renovation, viewed from the Gellért Hill
It is clearly visible behind the Elisabeth Bridge ("Erzsébet-híd") that at that time the appearance of the square was completely different as today. The ruins of the ancent Roman Contra-Aquincum fortress were in a recess under the open sky, moreover there were car traffic in the square. The Downtown Parish Church ("Belvárosi Plébániatemplom") and the Piarist Gymnasium and Friary also show their old image (for example the roof of the latter building is quite different than we see today).
Destinacije v turističnega vodnika:
Budimpešta (8 468 fotografije + 21 panoramske slike)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 fotografije + 21 panoramske slike)
Pest megye (county) (15 122 fotografije + 50 panoramske slike)
Budimpešta z okolico (Osrednja Madžarska) (15 989 fotografije + 52 panoramske slike)
Madžarska (27 287 fotografije + 163 panoramske slike)
in poleg tega:
(v tukaj: Buda Hills)
Budakeszi (88 fotografije)
Pilisszentiván (76 fotografije)
Vsaka panoramska fotografija tukaj:
Budimpešta (21 fotografije)
Pest megye (county) (50 fotografije)
Budimpešta z okolico (Osrednja Madžarska) (52 fotografije)
Madžarska (163 fotografije)
Evropa (165 fotografije)
Vsaka normalna fotografija tukaj:
Budimpešta (8 468 fotografije / 122 galerije)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 fotografije / 124 galerije)
Pest megye (county) (15 122 fotografije / 221 galerije)
Budimpešta z okolico (Osrednja Madžarska) (15 989 fotografije / 234 galerije)
Madžarska (27 287 fotografije / 462 galerije)
Evropa (30 494 fotografije / 523 galerije)
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- ©2010-2022
Neuronit Creative Studio - Mogyoród / Budimpešta / Madžarska