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Gödöllő Royal Palace (Grassalkovich Palace), the palace park - Gödöllő, Madžarska

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GPS koordinate: Širina 47°35'40", Dolžina 19°20'44" (N47 35.67 - E19 20.73)

Informacije, kratke zgodbe, zanimivih dejstev

Peaceful park of the Grassalkovich Palace (Royal Palace at Gödöllő) - Gödöllő, Madžarska Peaceful park of the Grassalkovich Palace (Royal Palace at Gödöllő)

During the Hungarian Revolition and Independence War of 1848-1849 the Grassalkovich Palace was the residence of the General Windischgrätz (Alfred Candidus Ferdinand, Prince of Windisch-Grätz, 1787-1862), the supreme commander of the Austrian imperial troops. After the Battle of Isaszer, which was the first important clash of the troops in the Spring Campaign, the palace became the headquarters of the winner Hungarian troops and their leader Lajos Kossuth. He wrote the Declaration of Independence ("Függetlenségi Nyilatkozat") here as well.

The so called Royal Pavilion or King's Pavilon ("Királypavilon") in the middle of the palace garden - Gödöllő, Madžarska The so called Royal Pavilion or King's Pavilon ("Királypavilon") in the middle of the palace garden

The so-called Royal Pavilion or King's Pavilion in the park of the Gödöllő Royal Palace was built on an artificial hill (the Royal Hill or Kings' Hill) yet in the time of the Grassalkovich family. The hexagonal baroque building is 6.5 meters in diameter, built by Count Antal Grassalkovich I sometimes in the 1760s. Inside it was (and is) decorated with portraits of 54 Hungarian leaders and kings, in accordance with the fashion of the Baroque era. The pavilion was last restored in 2002 by the plans of dr. Zsolt Máthé and Zoltán Szabó. The gorgeous wood paneling of the interior is the work of Zsolt Koppán conservator-restorer.

Most of the original pictures within the pavilion were damaged at the time of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848-1849. The current portraits are reconstructions and inspired by different sources. The pictures were created in 2004 by József Hapák photographer, as well as György Filakowszky and Balázs Szendi graphic artists. However, 14 original pictures are yet survived, these ones today enrich the collection of the Hungarian National Museum.

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