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Elisabeth Park ("Erzsébet-park") - Gödöllő, Madžarska

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GPS koordinate: Širina 47°35'44", Dolžina 19°20'18" (N47 35.73 - E19 20.3)

Informacije, kratke zgodbe, zanimivih dejstev

The linden alley with four row of trees goes to the Elisabeth statue - Gödöllő, Madžarska The linden alley with four row of trees goes to the Elisabeth statue

In Hungary actually a real cult emerged around Empress Elisabeth of Austria (1837-1898), Bavarian Duchess and Queen of Hungary (also known as "Sisi"), who was the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria and King of Hungary (1830-1916). Even today Queen Elizabeth is one of the most famous historical person in Hungary.

In 1898 when she was 60 the beloved Sisi became the victim of an Italian anarchist on the shore of Lake Geneva. After her death according to the regulation of Ignác Darányi Minister of Agriculture in memory of Sisi more than hundred parks were established throughout the country and millions of memorial trees were planted. The Elisabeth Park ("Erzsébet-park") in Gödöllő was among the first such parks, it was started to establish in November 1898, just two months after the assassination. The park was inaugurated in 1901 in the presence of the king.

Memorial statue of Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Queen of Hungary (often called "Sisi") - Gödöllő, Madžarska Memorial statue of Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Queen of Hungary (often called "Sisi")

Created by József Róna in 1901

"Sisi", namely Elisabeth Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, born as Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie von Wittelsbach Duchess in Bavaria (1837-1898) was recognized as one of the most beautiful woman of the age, and this is accurately shown by the statue of József Róna. From the two drafts of the sculptor Emperor Franz Joseph I himself chose the right one for the park in Gödöllő. The artificial rock pile behind Elisabeth's statue was also created in memory of Sisi, there is a white marble crown on the top of it and moreover initially there were brooks on its both sides.

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