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Shore of Lake Balaton with the beaches - Siófok, Madžarska

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GPS koordinate: Širina 46°54'39", Dolžina 18°2'54" (N46 54.65 - E18 2.9)

Informacije, kratke zgodbe, zanimivih dejstev

Pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) in the near shore algae-covered stones - Siófok, Madžarska Pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) in the near shore algae-covered stones

The pumpkinseed sunfish or pond perch (Lepomis gibbosus) belongs to the Percidae fish family, it is not native to Lake Balaton but native to the eastern part of North America. The nice colorful fish didn't get its common name ("sunfish") after its appearance, but because it likes the sunny, shallow, inshore waters. Interestingly although its flesh is tastier then many other fish species native to Hungary, it is still quite rarely eaten.

The American sunfish was brought to Europe from Canada in 1887. Originally it was intended to keep in aquarium, but because it is hardy and easy to keep, soon it became very popular and they have begun to breed in fish farms as well. It appeared in the natural waters of Hungary in the same way. The first specimens escaped from the fish hatchery of Iharos in 1905, the invasive species proliferated rapidly in the rivers and lakes and by today its presence became almost natural. It may be harmful for the fish farms, because it often consumes the eggs and fries (juveniles) of other fish species.

The "Tünde" powered excursion ship - Siófok, Madžarska The "Tünde" powered excursion ship

The "Tünde" powered passenger boat was built in 1927 in Balatonfüred, Hungary. It is 23 meters in length and has capacity of 100 persons. In 1945 together with the "Kelén" boat the crew intentionally sank it at Révfülöp, to protect it from blowing up by the retreating German troops. The boat was brought to the surface in the same year and since then it carries the tourists on Lake Balaton again. In 1950 it was slightly rebuilt.

"Mokány" is a typical small sailboat of Balaton - Siófok, Madžarska "Mokány" is a typical small sailboat of Balaton

This small sailboat belongs to the "Jolle-15" or "Yolle-15") boat class. This type of boat (and also racing boat class) was developed originally in Germany before the World War II, but it was introduced in Hungary already about sixty years ago. It is easy to navigate it on shallow waters, in strong wind and on high waves as well. And last but not least, it is also relatively cheap.

Siófok - glavna stran

Mogoče bi vas tudi zanima (Sorodne strani):

Destinacije v turističnega vodnika:
Siófok (388 fotografije + 11 panoramske slike) Somogy megye (county) (971 fotografije + 15 panoramske slike) Blatno jezero (Balaton) (1 597 fotografije + 35 panoramske slike) Madžarska (27 287 fotografije + 163 panoramske slike)
in poleg tega:
(v tukaj: Blatno jezero in Somogy megye)

Balaton Uplands National Park (Balaton-felvidék) (440 fotografije + 15 panoramske slike) Révfülöp (12 fotografije + 1 panoramske slike) Balatonalmádi (61 fotografije + 2 panoramske slike) Balatonfüred (252 fotografije + 2 panoramske slike) Balatonboglár Balatonlelle (13 fotografije) Zalakaros (43 fotografije + 3 panoramske slike) Balatonföldvár (11 fotografije) Fonyód (290 fotografije) Balatonboglár Balatonlelle (13 fotografije) Balatonföldvár (11 fotografije) Fonyód (290 fotografije) Barcs (203 fotografije) Zamárdi (16 fotografije + 1 panoramske slike) Zamárdi (16 fotografije + 1 panoramske slike) Balatonvilágos (26 fotografije) Nagyvázsony (45 fotografije) Kaposvár (50 fotografije + 3 panoramske slike)

Vsaka panoramska fotografija tukaj:
Siófok (11 fotografije) Somogy megye (county) (15 fotografije) Blatno jezero (Balaton) (35 fotografije) Madžarska (163 fotografije) Evropa (165 fotografije)

Vsaka normalna fotografija tukaj:
Siófok (388 fotografije / 5 galerije) Somogy megye (county) (971 fotografije / 17 galerije) Blatno jezero (Balaton) (1 597 fotografije / 35 galerije) Madžarska (27 287 fotografije / 462 galerije) Evropa (30 494 fotografije / 523 galerije)

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  -  ©2010-2022 Neuronit Creative Studio  -  Mogyoród / Budimpešta / Madžarska