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The renovated main square and the water tower - Siófok, Maďarsko

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GPS súradnice: Šířka 46°54'21", Dĺžka 18°3'7" (N46 54.35 - E18 3.12)

Informácie, krátke poviedky, zaujímavé fakty

Water Tower Lookout - Siófok, Maďarsko Water Tower Lookout

The original water tower was built in by the plans of Jenő Gergely and Árpád Gut in 1912, and the transformation of the building to a lookout tower was completed exactly for its centennary.

The Water Tower of Siófok is a tourist attraction already since 1980, buit in 2012 it was completely renewed and changed. The building is now equipped with large windows and two panoramic elevators. There is a "Tourinform" (tourist information) office at the foot of the tower, as well as its upper part was transformed to a belvedere with lookout or observation point, coffee bar, oxygen bar and a so-called "interactive experience center". Together with the water tower the surrounding squares were also embellished, the car traffic was diverted and a modernistic pedestrian zone was created.

The Water Tower was recently converted to a lookout tower - Siófok, Maďarsko The Water Tower was recently converted to a lookout tower

The lookout tower (former water tower) has now three storeys on its top. The opened circular terrace is at 27 meters high, and the Panorama Lookout is located another 3 meters higher (this level includes the Szentkirályi Oxygen Bar). The uppermost level has a so-called interactive entertainment center, its floor is at about 34 meters above the street level.

Siófok - hlavná stránka
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Barcs, MaďarskoParíž, Francúzsko<span class='evaz7b8gs2' lang='en'>Location</span><!--evaz7b8gs2-->: N/APalkonya, Maďarsko
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  • 165 panoramatické zábery
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