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GPS координаты: Широта 47°31'6", Долгота 18°57'32" (N47 31.1 - E18 57.53)
The "Libegő" chairlift (elevated passenger ropeway with hanging chairs) operates between Zugliget and the János Hill
The "Libegő" chairlift in Buda is the first cableway in Hungary, however the idea came into view already in 1933, it was implemented only in 1970. It was created primarily for fun, to entertain the tourists and excursionists, so it is not necessarily a transport vehicle in the public mind (although it is that). Its total length is just 1040 meters, the level difference between the endpoints (Zugliget quarter and the Budakeszi Ridge) is 262 meters, the whole distance takes 12 minutes.
The main trouble of the cableways reached the "Libegő" from the beginning as well, this is the problem of the cable elongation. Because of this the Austrian import cables often had to be shortened or replaced. A typical example was when during 9 years the about 2 kilometers long cable (wire rope) was able to stretch 20 meters. But what is even more surprising that it is an absolutely normal value considering the cable cars around the world, every operator handles this problem routinely.
The 495-meter-high Hármashatár Hill (or mountain) with a TV-tower on it, viewed from the lookout tower
The Hármashatár Mountain (or Hármashatár Hill, it means literally "Triple Border Hill") is a popular excursion destination in the Buda Hills low mountain range. Once there was the common border of three settlements (Buda, Óbuda and Pesthidegkút) on the top of this mountain, just until 1873, the birth of Budapest (when these settlements became part of the capital city). The name "Hármashatár" is coming from the 19th century and refers to this historical fact.
Места назначения в путеводителе:
Будапешт (8 468 фотографии + 21 панорамные снимки)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 фотографии + 21 панорамные снимки)
Пешт медье (15 122 фотографии + 50 панорамные снимки)
Будапешт и его окрестности (15 989 фотографии + 52 панорамные снимки)
Венгрия (27 287 фотографии + 163 панорамные снимки)
и кроме того:
(в здесь: Buda Hills)
Budakeszi (88 фотографии)
Pilisszentiván (76 фотографии)
Каждая панорама фото здесь:
Будапешт (21 фотографии)
Пешт медье (50 фотографии)
Будапешт и его окрестности (52 фотографии)
Венгрия (163 фотографии)
Европа (165 фотографии)
Все нормальные фотографии здесь:
Будапешт (8 468 фотографии / 122 галереи)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 фотографии / 124 галереи)
Пешт медье (15 122 фотографии / 221 галереи)
Будапешт и его окрестности (15 989 фотографии / 234 галереи)
Венгрия (27 287 фотографии / 462 галереи)
Европа (30 494 фотографии / 523 галереи)
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