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Gödöllő Arboretum - Gödöllő, Hungria

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Coordenadas GPS: Latitude 47°34'16", Longitude 19°22'30" (N47 34.27 - E19 22.5)

Informações, histórias curtas, fatos interessantes

Forester's house at the entrance of Gödöllő Botanical Garden - Gödöllő, Hungria Forester's house at the entrance of Gödöllő Botanical Garden

The Gödöllő Arboretum (initially Archduke Joseph's Gardens) was founded in 1902, at that time mainly for forestry purposes. The planting was completed in 1914, and on the 190-hectare area experiments were conducted to test the afforestation of the sandy plains, as well as the timber stand improvement in the Gödöllő Hills. For a couple of decades it was the most significant arboretum in Hungary, but later the World War II caused great devastation among the trees and the plant stand.

Small thatched-roofed forest shelter in the botanical garden of Gödöllő - Gödöllő, Hungria Small thatched-roofed forest shelter in the botanical garden of Gödöllő

The restoration of land could be started after 1956, and thanks to the large-scale programs today there are 130 gymnosperm and 650 deciduous tree and shrub species in the park. The Arboretum of Gödöllő was declared as a nature reserve in 1978. By the further expansion its area is 347 hectares today. Beside the 147 various research zones there is also a 40-hectare area which is opened for the visitors since 1989.

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