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Kossuth Square, Nagytemplom (Old Church) - Kecskemét, Hungria
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Main square - Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungria

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Coordenadas GPS: Latitude 46°42'44", Longitude 19°51'0" (N46 42.73 - E19 51)

Informações, histórias curtas, fatos interessantes

Statue of Sándor Petőfi 19th-century Hungarian poet in the main square - Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungria Statue of Sándor Petőfi 19th-century Hungarian poet in the main square

On the benches around the statue there are verse quotes from the poet.

The statue of Sándor Petőfi in Kiskunfélegyháza was created by Miklós Köllő in 1897. Initially it stood in Segesvár (in Romanian Sighișoara, then Hungary, today Romania), because after the Battle of Segesvár the Hungarian poet (who was born in a Slovak family) was died somewhere over here in 1849 when he was just 26 years old.

The statue was carried (practically rescued) to Kiskunfélegyháza during the World War I, and then it was set here in 1922. Later Romania demanded the return it for a long time. Finally in 1999 István Máté sculptor from Csongrád created a new Petőfi statue from public subscription, and this was donated to Fehéregyháza (in Romanian Albești, Romania). This settlement is part of Segesvár (Sighișoara) and the poet was last seen alive here. The statue of Sándor Petőfi in Kiskunfélegyháza was last renovated in 2008, led by also István Máté sculptor. In 2013 it was renovated again, together with the pedestal.

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