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Heroes' Square - Székesfehérvár, Hungria
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Downtown, main street - Pécs, Hungria

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Coordenadas GPS: Latitude 46°4'35", Longitude 18°13'49" (N46 4.58 - E18 13.82)

Informações, histórias curtas, fatos interessantes

Ice cream parlor on the pedestrian street, in front of the Dominican House (currently cultural and shopping center) - Pécs, Hungria Ice cream parlor on the pedestrian street, in front of the Dominican House (currently cultural and shopping center)

Many old buildings have interesting stories, and in this regard the so-called Dominican House ("Dominikánus Ház") on the main street near the National Theatre of Pécs is not an exception. During the Ottoman rule of Hungary the Pasha Ferhad's mosque stood on the site of the current building. After the Turks were driven out the plot was acquired by the Dominican monastic order, who started to build their church and friary here in 1724. However, Joseph II Holy Roman Emperor (the eldest son of Empress Maria Theresa) dissolved the Dominican Order in 1786 and the buildings remained empty. In times of war French prisoners were placed here, and after some time it became a warehouse. Then in the 19th century it was converted to a residental building for dr. Béla Johan physician, today it can be seen in this form.

The memory of the former Dominican church is preserved among others by a pyrogranite plaque with the relief of the church, placed on the northern facade of the building.

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