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GPS-coördinaten: Breedtegraad 47°35'34", Lengtegraad 19°21'40" (N47 35.57 - E19 21.67)
Equestrian statue of Coloman Prince of Galicia-Lodomeria (1208-1241) at the Szent István University of Gödöllő
Prince Coloman (in Hungarian "Kálmán herceg") was ''the heroic offspring of the Árpád dynasty who was wounded to death in the Battle of Mohi", as the caption also says on the pedestal of the statue. His father was King Andrew II of Hungary (also known as Andrew II of Jerusalem, in Hungarian "II. András"), who enthroned the just six years old Coloman as the King of Galicia-Lodomeria (Halych-Volhynia) in 1214. Halych-Volhynia or also known as Galicia-Lodomeria (since Andrew II of Hungary) was a historical and geographic region in Central and Eastern Europe, its area is today divided by Poland and Ukrain. Coloman could bear the royal title until his death, although due to the uprisings in Halych he had to flee, but as a compensation he received Szepes County or earldom from his father. This way he came into contact with the Premonstratensian (Norbertine) monks, and he supported them by donations of money and land. In 1226 he became the duke of Slavonia, Croatia and Dalmatia, after his father King Andrew II took these provinces from his other son Béla (the later Béla IV of Hungary) and gave it to Coloman. However, at the same time Bela received Transylvania ("Erdély"). With this action Andrew II probably tried to stir up strife between the two brothers, his sons who turned against him, but surprisingly Coloman still cooperated with Béla and they together tried to take back the royal domains which regard them (because II. Andrew breached his former promises). Coloman went into the Battle of Mohi (or Muhi) against the Mongols as the head of the Croatian troops, but he was wounded and died here in 1241.
Equestrian statue of Coloman Prince of Galicia-Lodomeria near Szent István University of Gödöllő
Those who watch the statue from close up it is visible that the horse's belly, more specifically the nobler part between its legs is quite glittering. This is caused by the students of the university, who believe in the superstition that if they often touch this part of the statue, it ensures the successful exam. It would be interesting to check the statistics, if it really works or not...
Entrance of the Szent István University of Gödöllő
The current main building of the Szent István University was originally built for the Norbertine (Premonstratensian) religious order, but for educational reasons even from the beginning. Az 1920-as trianoni békeszerződés diktátuma következtében a premontrei szerzetesrend elvesztette a Románia kezébe kerülő Nagyvárad, valamint a Szlovákia (azaz akkor Csehszlovákia) határai mögé tolódó Kassa és Rozsnyó városok gimnáziumait. Jászóvár cseh területre került, az itteni rendfőnök kezdeményezte új intézet alapítását Magyarország új határain belül. Erre 1923-ban állami támogatásként Gödöllőn kaptak 88 hold földet az akkori Fácános-erdő területéből.
Szent István University of Gödöllő, from the courtyard
The neo-baroque style building complex was designed by Róber Kertész K. and Gyula Sváb. Firstly the secondary school (southern) wing was completed in 1924. One year later also the eastern wing was finished and inside it the St. Norbert Boarding School (in Hungarian "Szent Norbert Nevelőintézet") started its operation. The main (western) building with the monastery was completed and opened in 1928. In the past the interior was decorated by artworks of famous artist, for example Sándor Nagy, Ferenc Sidló and Zsigmond Kisfaludi Strobl.
Terraced inner garden of Szent István University of Gödöllő
In 1933 the university (more precisely at that time the Premonstratensian or Norbertine institution) building was the residence of the leaders of the 4th World Scout Jamboree (world gathering of Boy Scouts).
Magnificent inner court of Szent István University
The World War II caused serious damages in the building, it was hit by more bombs as well. Firstly in 1944 it was used as a military hospital, then in 1945 the whole building complex became a detention center after the members of the Norbertine Order were moved to Máriabesnyő (it is today part of Gödöllő town).
The courtyard of Szent István University can humble even some castles
In 1948 the secondary school was deprivatized and in 1949 the government designated Gödöllő town for the higher education of the agricultural sciences. Complete university departments were moved here, and the university was expanded with more new buildings. Today it is the most advanced university of agricultural sciences in Hungary. Since 1992 one of the newer buildings is used by the Secondary Grammar School of the Norbertine Order again.
Szent István University of Gödöllő, hall of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Since 1983 there is a large bronze relief inside the aula (function hall) of the Szent István University Mechanical Engineering Faculty. It is called "The apotheosis of the nucleus" and created in 1980 by the Amerigo Tot (1909-1984), Hungarian-born sculptor from Rome. This giant bronze relief is 120 square meters in size, but it also has a smaller replica in the arcades at 11 Kossuth Lajos Square, Budapest (this is the Ministry of Agriculture building).
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