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가이드북 - 콘텐츠의 무작위 선택 가이드북 - 콘텐츠의 무작위 선택
그림을 클릭
Kossuth Lajos Square - Gyula, 헝가리
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Other photos - Jászberény, 헝가리

클릭 한 후:

그림을 클릭

그림을 클릭

특성, 특징


GPS 좌표: 위도 47°30'2", 경도 19°54'54" (N47 30.03 - E19 54.9)

정보, 짧은 이야기, 흥미로운 사실들

The "Bundás" Fountain - Jászberény, 헝가리 The "Bundás" Fountain

By default "bundás" means "furry", but in this case it refers to the shepherd's traditional furry coat or "suba", that is made of racka sheep fur. This artwork was created by Gyula Jankovics sculptor in 1912, initially it stood on an artesian well which was drilled in 1908. It was moved to the current place in 1960. Interestingly, according to the contemporary articles the local people didn't really like it, and what is more even criticized the sculpture.

Monument of the medieval Ottoman-Hungarian wars - Jászberény, 헝가리 Monument of the medieval Ottoman-Hungarian wars

The statue of a male figure in the park near the Franciscan church was created by Jenő Körmendi Frim in 1909. The statue is standing on the place of a damaged earlier memorial plaque, on the top of some bones which were found when the Turkish castle ruins, ramparts and earthworks were demolished here in 1840. There is a verse on the pedestal of the statue, some lines from Győző Karádi poet from Jászberény: "Török, magyar egymás ellen / Küzdött itt vad gyűlöletben. / Hősei sok irtó hadnak / békén együtt itt porladnak." (it means approximately: "Turks and Hungarians against each other / Fought here in fierce hatred / Heroes of many monstrous armies / Falling to dust in piece together")

Hamza Museum - Jászberény, 헝가리 Hamza Museum

The Hamza Museum of Jászberény was established in 1995 to present the so-called Hamza Collection, the legacy of Dezső Ákos Hamza (1903-1993) Hungarian painter and film director. This is the first and so far the only one public fine art collection in Jászberény. The collection includes the artworks of Dezső Ákos Hamza, as well as the sketches and drawings of his wife, the also Hungarian-born fashion designer and applied artist Mária Hamza-Lehel (1906-1997).

The couple became acquainted in Paris, France and they got married in 1933. Later they lived in Rome, Italy, but finally they settled in São Paulo, Brazil in 1953. They came back to Jászberény, Hungary only after the Political System Change in Hungary in 1989. Here they established a foundation and then a museum, which became the current Hamza Museum. They bequeathed their artworks and collections to the city and the Jász people.

Jászberény 의 메인 페이지
이 페이지의 주소 이 페이지의 주소
이 페이지를 추천 이 페이지를 추천

친구들과 공유하세요!

더 많은 옵션을:
사진 앨범 사진 앨범
Jászberény, 헝가리<span class='evaz7b8gs2' lang='en'>Location</span><!--evaz7b8gs2-->: N/AZirc, 헝가리Szentendre, 헝가리
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