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GPS 좌표: 위도 47°12'39", 경도 18°27'4" (N47 12.65 - E18 27.07)
Bory Castle (in Hungarian "Bory-vár")
Jenő Bory (1879-1959) was a sculptor, painter and architect, lived in Székesfehérvár, Hungary. He learned from world-famous masters: sculpture from Alajos Stróbl and painting from Bertalan Székely. His wife was Ilona Komocsin (1885-1974), who was a painter and also the student of Bertalan Székely, and she first met Jenő Bory on this occasion. The artist couple from their own resources together created the famous Bory Castle ("Bory-vár") in Székesfehérvár, starting in 1923 and with 41 years of work. Because Jenő Bory curiously researched the wide range of application of the concrete and ferro-concrete (reinforced-concrete), he chose this building material for the Bory Castle as well. The castle and the garden is full of the many sculptures of Jenő Bory, as well as paintings created by his beloved wife and other artists. These together constitute a large, incredibly interesting and varied collection, actually a complete art gallery.
여행 가이드의 목적지:
Székesfehérvár (258 사진 + 6 파노라마 이미지)
Fejér megye (county) (422 사진 + 7 파노라마 이미지)
Central Transdanubia (Közép-Dunántúl) (1,409 사진 + 20 파노라마 이미지)
헝가리 (27,287 사진 + 163 파노라마 이미지)
(여기에 내부: Fejér megye)
Dég (30 사진 + 1 파노라마 이미지)
Nádasdladány (21 사진)
Lajoskomárom (5 사진)
Martonvásár (61 사진)
Agárd (47 사진)
여기에 모든 파노라마 사진:
Székesfehérvár (6 사진)
Fejér megye (county) (7 사진)
Central Transdanubia (Közép-Dunántúl) (20 사진)
헝가리 (163 사진)
유럽 (165 사진)
여기에 모든 일반 사진:
Székesfehérvár (258 사진 / 4 갤러리)
Fejér megye (county) (422 사진 / 9 갤러리)
Central Transdanubia (Közép-Dunántúl) (1,409 사진 / 31 갤러리)
헝가리 (27,287 사진 / 462 갤러리)
유럽 (30,494 사진 / 523 갤러리)
친구들과 공유하세요!
회사 소개 - 법적 고지 & 면책 조항 -
모든 권리 보유
- ©2010-2022
Neuronit Creative Studio - Mogyoród / 부다페스트 / 헝가리