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City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: architecture, listed buildings - Budapest, Unkari

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GPS-koordinaatit: Leveysaste 47°31'4", Pituusaste 19°4'38" (N47 31.07 - E19 4.63)

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Green iron dragon - Budapest, Unkari Green iron dragon

The two large cast-iron dragon statues in the Budapest Zoo are much older than they seem, and their story is quite adventurous as well.

Actually there are three of them and they were created in 1856 in the Schlick Iron Foundry by the plans of Frigyes Feszl. Initially they stood at the Pest-side end of the Széchenyi Chain Bridge, at one of the gates of the Danube Steamship Company ("Duna Gőzhajózási Társaság") close to the Danube bank. When the embankments were rebuilt they were moved to the edge of the City Park ("Városliget").

In 1958 one of the dragons was placed in front of the Kiscelli Museum in Buda, as well as the other two were moved to the recently closed Budapest Amusement Park ("Vidám Park") near the "Enchanted Castle" (in Hungarian "Elvarázsolt Kastély") attraction. Finally the two iron dragons were moved to the Budapest Zoo from that place in 2010.

After a long operation the Budapest Amusement Park or "Vidám Park" was closed in September 2013, and then the area was acquired by the Budapest Zoo. Today this area is called "Holnemvolt Park" (literally "Once Upon a Time Park"), where among other things some of the old, monumental attraction of the former theme park could get a new life.

Palm House, today it is called "America Tropicana" - Budapest, Unkari Palm House, today it is called "America Tropicana"

The building was designed by Gyula Végh and built between 1909-1912. There was a major renovation between 1991 and 2000.

The Palm House of the Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden was originally designed to the Gellért Hill, but during the big reconstruction of the zoo between 1909-1912 the decision-makers changed their mind and then they decided that here shore of the Great Lake will be the best place for it. The technical design was made by Gyula Végh, as well as the horticultural (garden) design was the work of Keresztély Ilsemann and Károly Räde.

The building is an iron-structure big glass hall that consists of two main parts and 3-3 side halls. Beside presenting plants it also had a terrarium, for example in 1934 crocodiles were settled in the semicircular part what is today a confectionery.

The World War II caused serious damages in the Palm House, and it could be opened again only in 1952, but then it was still in very bad condition due to among other things the damages and the humid climate inside the building. These problems were fixed only by the big reconstructions between 1991-2000, so as of today the visitors can view this together with the Aquarium in its original (or even more beautiful) splendor again.

János Xántus House - Budapest, Unkari János Xántus House

It was built in 1952, designed by the Municipal Planning Bureau, in Hungarian "Fővárosi Tervező Iroda".

János Xántus (1825-1894) was a Hungarian zoologist, traveler and ethnographer, and also the first director of the Budapest Zoo. Outside of Hungary he is known as John Xantus de Vesey. He supported the Hungarian National Museum by significant botanical and zoological collections.

Wall painting (more precisely a sgraffito) of a bison on the wall of the Bison House that was built in 1963 and demolished in 2010 - Budapest, Unkari Wall painting (more precisely a sgraffito) of a bison on the wall of the Bison House that was built in 1963 and demolished in 2010

The sgraffito is not a simple mural or painting, but a picture that is created by conscious and precise scraping of the different colored coating or plaster layers, after they were deposited on the wall one after the other. This is the situation for example in the case of the Bisons' House ("Bölényház") in the zoo.

The Bison House of the Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden was built in 1963 in socialist realist style by the plans of Gyula Kéri and Ferenc Bognár, on the site of the former Buffalo House which was built in 1912 and destroyed in the World War II. The bison figure on its wall was designed by Jenő József Percz, inspired by prehistoric cave paintings and African drawings considering both the shape and the colors. The building was demolished in 2010 and the replica of the former Buffalo House of Károly Kós and Dezső Zrumeczky architects was built on the top of its foundations. From then it is unknown what happened with the bison picture.

Wooden column-sculpture with African ground idols, and the Elephant House with its observation tower can be seen in the distance as well - Budapest, Unkari Wooden column-sculpture with African ground idols, and the Elephant House with its observation tower can be seen in the distance as well

The originals of two wooden column-sculpture close to the so-called Elephant Gate of the Budapest Zoo were brought here to Budapest from the Congo region in Africa, and they were exhibited when the zoo was renovated in 1912. However, these sculptures were destroyed in the World War II. The columns were resculpted of wood by the Hungarian sculptor József Tóth in Tanzania, Africa, and they were placed to their current site in 1998 by courtesy of Pál Lendvai and Gyula Pázmándi.

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Angyalföld, Lehel Street (46 valokuvaa) Angyalföld, miscellaneous pictures (52 valokuvaa) Downtown or Inner City (Belváros district) (55 valokuvaa) Downtown (Belváros district), riverbanks of Danube (75 valokuvaa) Downtown (Belváros district), Ferenciek tere (square) (63 valokuvaa) Downtown (Belváros district), Váci Street (69 valokuvaa) Downtown (Belváros district), Inner City Parish Church (59 valokuvaa) The Buda Hills in winter (26 valokuvaa) Budapest Park, Pet Shop Boys concert (80 valokuvaa) Campona Tropicarium Zoo and Oceanarium (32 valokuvaa) Elizabeth Bridge ("Erzsébet híd") (45 valokuvaa) The outer Danube bridges of Budapest (46 valokuvaa) Margaret Bridge ("Margit híd") (48 valokuvaa) Liberty Bridge (aka Freedom Bridge, "Szabadság híd") (36 valokuvaa) Széchenyi Chain Bridge ("Széchenyi Lánchíd") (39 valokuvaa) Great Danube Flood of 2006, photos until the peaking (189 valokuvaa) Great Danube Flood of 2006, photos after the peaking (77 valokuvaa) Riverbank of Danube, Buda side (76 valokuvaa) Riverbank of Danube, Pest side (92 valokuvaa) The icy Danube River (27 valokuvaa) Banks of the Danube, Red Bull Air Race Budapest (52 valokuvaa) Erzsébetváros, New York Palace and Café (44 valokuvaa) Erzsébetváros, Rózsák tere (square) (52 valokuvaa) Erzsébetváros, miscellaneous pictures (62 valokuvaa) Erzsébetváros, Synagogues (47 valokuvaa) Cozy restaurants and cafés (100 valokuvaa) Ferencváros, Riverbanks of Danube (30 valokuvaa) Ferencváros, Danube bank with the "Bálna" (44 valokuvaa) Ferencváros, Corvinus University of Budapest (34 valokuvaa) Ferencváros, Museum of the Applied Arts (28 valokuvaa) Ferencváros, Central Market Hall or Great Market Hall (Nagycsarnok) (41 valokuvaa) Ferencváros, Ráday Street (41 valokuvaa) Ferencváros, miscellaneous pictures (57 valokuvaa) Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport (former Ferihegy Airport) (111 valokuvaa) Gellért Bath spa and thermal bath (75 valokuvaa) Gellért Hill and surroundings (127 valokuvaa) Heroes' Square ("Hősök tere") (103 valokuvaa) Heroes' Square ("Hősök tere"), concert of the Omega and the Scorpions bands (80 valokuvaa) Buda Hills: János Hill, Elisabeth Lookout Tower (79 valokuvaa) Józsefváros, Keleti Railway Station (115 valokuvaa) Józsefváros, Palotanegyed ("Palace District") (34 valokuvaa) Józsefváros, Urania National Film Theatre (32 valokuvaa) Józsefváros, vegyes képek (38 valokuvaa) Aquaworld water park, the indoor adventure pools in the evening (17 valokuvaa) Small Boulevard ("Kiskörút") (78 valokuvaa) Kopaszi Dike, Öböl Park ("Bay Park") (61 valokuvaa) Lipótváros, Deák Square and surroundings (60 valokuvaa) Lipótváros, riverbank of Danube (50 valokuvaa) Lipótváros, the Kossuth Square and the Hungarian Parliament Building at night (57 valokuvaa) Hungarian Parliament Building ("Országház") and surroundings (85 valokuvaa) Szabadság Square and surroundings (134 valokuvaa) Gresham Palace (33 valokuvaa) St. Stephen's Basilica ("Szent István-bazilika") (64 valokuvaa) Christmas fair at the St. Stephen's Basilica (27 valokuvaa) Lipótváros, miscellaneous photos (58 valokuvaa) Lipótváros, Vörösmarty Square and surroundings (69 valokuvaa) Margaret Island ("Margit-sziget"), southern part (69 valokuvaa) Margaret Island ("Margit-sziget"), northern part (72 valokuvaa) Mátyásföld, Erzsébet-liget ("Elisabeth Park") (89 valokuvaa) Mátyásföld, Children's Day picnic in the Erzsébet-liget ("Elizabeth Park") (105 valokuvaa) Cinkota Forest (31 valokuvaa) Grand Boulevard ("Nagykörút") (113 valokuvaa) Nagytétény, Száraz-Rudnyánszky Castle and Museum (67 valokuvaa) Népsziget ("People's Island") (31 valokuvaa) Óbuda and its surroundings (85 valokuvaa) Óbuda, Banks of River Danube, Római Beach (Római-part) (105 valokuvaa) Örs vezér tere (square) (44 valokuvaa) Rákóczi Avenue (51 valokuvaa) Rákospalota (10 valokuvaa) Terézváros, Andrássy Avenue, "the aristocrat of the roads" (103 valokuvaa) Terézváros, Andrássy Avenue, Hungarian State Opera House (44 valokuvaa) Terézváros, Liszt Ferenc Square and surroundings (51 valokuvaa) Terézváros, Nyugati Square (60 valokuvaa) Terézváros, miscellaneous pictures (47 valokuvaa) Hungarian Natural History Museum, Giants of Patagonia - Dinosaurs of Argentina (43 valokuvaa) Hungarian Natural History Museum (40 valokuvaa) Újpest, harbor on the Danube bank (63 valokuvaa) Újpest, district center (97 valokuvaa) Újpest, miscellaneous photos (54 valokuvaa) Buda Castle quarter, Royal Palace (140 valokuvaa) Buda Castle quarter, Fisherman's Bastion and Matthias Church (112 valokuvaa) Buda Castle quarter, miscellaneous photos (197 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: African Savannah Zone (60 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: Aquarium (60 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: Australia House (53 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: Primates (55 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: the kids' favorites (42 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: Little Rock (79 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: Great Rock, the "Magical Hill" (98 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: Great Lake and the Japanese Garden (76 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: America Tropicana (Palm-house) (77 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Budapest Zoo: (121 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Állatkerti körút ("Zoo Boulevard") (49 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), the old theme park (55 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Széchenyi Bath thermal bath and spa (70 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), City Park Lake (132 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Vajdahunyad Castle (104 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), Olof Palme House (27 valokuvaa) City Park ("Városliget"), miscellaneous photos (170 valokuvaa) Zugló, Herminamező (76 valokuvaa) Zugló, Istvánmező (111 valokuvaa) Zugló, Istvánmező, Stefánia Palace and Honvéd Cultural Center (100 valokuvaa) Erzsébetváros, University of Veterinary Medicine ("Állatorvostudományi Egyetem") (21 valokuvaa) Terézváros, the Andrássy Avenue in early spring (125 valokuvaa) Lipótváros, the reconstructed Kossuth Square (75 valokuvaa) Óbuda, Aquincum, Graphisoft Park (54 valokuvaa) "The Great Race 2015" air show in the downtown over the Danube River (64 valokuvaa) Óbuda, Aquincum, Danube bank (48 valokuvaa) The Buda Hills in autumn (125 valokuvaa) Buda Castle Bazaar, Gardens and Pavilion ("Várkert-bazár" or "Várbazár") (149 valokuvaa) Danube bank of Buda, Batthyány Square (61 valokuvaa) Danube bank of Buda, Clark Ádám Square (49 valokuvaa) Budapest-Déli Railway Terminal (31 valokuvaa) Buda, Széll Kálmán Square (former Moszkva Square) (81 valokuvaa) Újpest, Farkas Forest (95 valokuvaa) Labyrinth of Buda Castle (15 valokuvaa) Zugló, Istvánmező, Stefánia Avenue (149 valokuvaa) Erzsébetváros, "Party district" ("Bulinegyed") by night (98 valokuvaa) Mátyásföld, Bike path along Szilas Brook (Szilas-patak) (58 valokuvaa) Buda Castle Quarter by night (42 valokuvaa) Downtown, Sightseeing boat trip on the Danube by night (30 valokuvaa)  
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