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Downtown, main square 2 - Jászberény, Unkari

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GPS-koordinaatit: Leveysaste 47°30'11", Pituusaste 19°54'41" (N47 30.18 - E19 54.68)

Yhteystiedot, lyhyitä tarinoita, mielenkiintoiset

The tower or steeple of the Roman Catholic Assumption of Mary Main Parish Church (in Hungarian "Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia-templom") - Jászberény, Unkari The tower or steeple of the Roman Catholic Assumption of Mary Main Parish Church (in Hungarian "Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia-templom")

On 4 November 1956 the occupying Soviet troops shot and tore down the tower of the Roman Catholic Assumption of Mary Parish Church, including the Hungarian Holy Crown-shaped finial The incendiary bombs were fired from tanks. In addition, they also fired the passers-by with machine guns, the result was 8 dead and a lot of wounded civilians. So the tower burned down and it was restored only between 1968-1969, thanks to the intercede of András Sáros art teacher (at that time it could be especially difficult due to the communist state apparatus).

The Votive Chapel of Saint Rosalia is just under renovation - Jászberény, Unkari The Votive Chapel of Saint Rosalia is just under renovation

The original so-called St. Rosalia Chapel was built in 1713 on the main square of Jászberény, and according to the habits of those times in gratitude that the town escaped the plague. The current neo-classical style version with the triangular tympanum was designed by Ádám Haág and built in 1840.

Baroque Calvary sculpture group in the main square, and the fountain with the frogs in front of it - Jászberény, Unkari Baroque Calvary sculpture group in the main square, and the fountain with the frogs in front of it

The alternate name of the baroque Calvary sculpture in the main square of Jászberény is "Pálinka Cross" (crucifix). When there's a market here the pálinka (strong alcoholic drink, distilled beverage like e.g. the brandy) was sold at the statue, so that's how this name has stuck to it. However, the sculpture didn't stand exactly on this site, it was placed here only in 1960.

Baroque Calvary (or Golgotha) sculpture group - Jászberény, Unkari Baroque Calvary (or Golgotha) sculpture group

It was created in 1752

The baroque Calvary or Golgtha statue group was erected in 1752 by Judit Bálint, János Boleman's widow. It was re-sculpted two times, firstly in 1905 by architect Henrik Kotál, then in 1943 by József Csák.

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