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GPS souřadnice: V současné době není k dispozici
The St. James' Parish Church (in Slovenian "Cerkev sv. Jakoba") is situated on the Cankar Square ("Cankarjev trg") in Škofja Loka, the oldest town of Slovenia. As usual, it was built on the site of an old smaller church and reached its current form only after some modifications. The predecessor of this church was first mentioned in 1271. In 1471 a three-nave rib-vaulted gothic larger church was built in place of it. The earthquake of 1511 caused serious damages in the building sot it had to be rebuilt. Its massive belltower was built somewhat later, in 1532. On the northern wall of the church fragments of 16th-century murals can be seen. The colorful stained-glass windows of the church were created by Stane Kregar in 1973.
Destinací v průvodci:
Škofja Loka (23 fotky)
Slovinsko (481 fotky)
a kromě toho:
(v rámci zde: Slovinsko)
Bled (38 fotky)
Kamnik (17 fotky)
Kranj (24 fotky)
Lublaň (37 fotky)
Národní park Triglav (342 fotky)
Každý panorama foto zde:
Škofja Loka ( fotky)
Evropa (165 fotky)
Všechny normální fotografie zde:
Škofja Loka (23 fotky)
Slovinsko (481 fotky / 12 galerie)
Evropa (30 494 fotky / 523 galerie)
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Neuronit Creative Studio - Mogyoród / Budapešť / Maďarsko