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GPS координати: Ширина 47°30'15", Дължина 19°3'45" (N47 30.25 - E19 3.75)
The Franz Liszt Academy of Music (in Hungarian "Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem") is under renovation
There is a plate on the top of the facade of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music (in Hungarian "Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem", often called simply as "Zeneakadémia"), as of 2012 the caption on it still says "Zeneművészeti Főiskola" (literally "College of Musical Art"). Although the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music received university rank already in 1971, the "University" ("Egyetem") word was added to its title only in 2000. However, in contrast to it after finishing the renovations of the building in December 2013 for some reason the original old title was engraved on the facade again: "Országos Magyar Királyi Zeneakadémia" (Royal Hungarian Academy of Music).
Café at the Mai Manó House
The Mai Manó House is unique in Europe, today it is called the Hungarian House of Photography (in Hungarian "Magyar Fotográfusok Háza") but it was built from the beginning to serve the photography. It was built in 1893-1894 for the court photographer Manó Mai, designed by Rezső Nay and Muki Szrausz architects. The street facade is covered with building ceramics of the famous Zsolnay factory of Pécs, and decorated with sgraffitos (scratch works). The sculptures on the building were created by József Róna Hungarian sculptor.
Дестинации в пътеводителя:
Будапеща (8 468 снимки + 21 панорамни изображения)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 снимки + 21 панорамни изображения)
Пещ медйе (15 122 снимки + 50 панорамни изображения)
Будапеща и околностите (15 989 снимки + 52 панорамни изображения)
Унгария (27 287 снимки + 163 панорамни изображения)
и в допълнение:
(в рамките тук: Buda Hills)
Budakeszi (88 снимки)
Pilisszentiván (76 снимки)
Всеки панорамна снимка тук:
Будапеща (21 снимки)
Пещ медйе (50 снимки)
Будапеща и околностите (52 снимки)
Унгария (163 снимки)
Европа (165 снимки)
Всяка нормална снимка тук:
Будапеща (8 468 снимки / 122 галерии)
Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (8 632 снимки / 124 галерии)
Пещ медйе (15 122 снимки / 221 галерии)
Будапеща и околностите (15 989 снимки / 234 галерии)
Унгария (27 287 снимки / 462 галерии)
Европа (30 494 снимки / 523 галерии)
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- ©2010-2022
Neuronit Creative Studio - Mogyoród / Будапеща / Унгария